Break The Rematch Part 1+2[Deluxe Edition][Final] 


Youthful College understudy Shinn Akatsuki gets back to his secondary school as a guide for the failure to meet expectations of understudies who are terrible at math, at the clear solicitation from the head. Albeit an immaculate and gracious man outwardly, Shinn conceals an exceptionally clouded side to him: as a component of his ceaseless corruption, he appreciates seeing young ladies getting “mind broken” by him. Forever discontent, in any case, he disposed of his past casualties. Be that as it may, presently, Shinn chooses to make his own “Sex Slaves”, and in light of these dull contemplations, and chooses the competitors he considers “ideal” as he becomes familiar with the school. The initial segment of the series will highlight the milf looking Rina Akiyama who is the school’s disciplinary instructor. Touko Takatsukasa is the cool star of the ball group. Aina Aozaki, the star of the swimming crew is generally lively, and in conclusion, Ritsuko Yasuhiro. The tennis headliner is rich and ruined. En route, Shinn will find their dim mystery and will utilize it in every way to take advantage of them however much he could!

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Date: August 19, 2022

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