A young fellow new off a wrecked relationship and an expulsion notice reconnects with his mom, Rebecca, after over twenty years separated. He goes out with her two girls from another marriage, Sandra and Lucy. New open doors for work and play as well as better approaches to characterize your associations with your newfound family will arise. How will you respond and what will it mean for people around you?
Download for Windows/ Linux
Chapters 1 to 9
Part 2 (Chapter 10+)
Download for Mac
Chapters 1 to 9
Part 2 (Chapter 10+)
Download for Android
Download Incest Patch
Download Walkthrough Mod
Download Saves – ch 1 to 9
IMPORTANT: You will most likely get an error when you load your savegame. Click on “Rollback” a few times until you see an image again. This should fix it. Alternatively, you can load a savegame from 0.16 if you still have one.
IMPORTANT: In order to play 0.15 (chapter 10+) you have to have finished 0.14 (chapter 1-9) and use the savegame you’re prompted to create at the end.If you never played My New Family before you can find all the downloads for 0.14 here! After you finished
0.14 you will get a prompt to save. Only this savegame will work for 0.15, all the other savegames you made during 0.14 won’t!