During a troublesome time of his life, youthful Tommy has at last secured the ideal position! He was employed as a jack of all trades in the rich and extravagant Joy Manor! Everything appears to go in the correct manner now: a generally excellent compensation, a decent spot to live, and the Delights, a pleasant family to work for! In any case, each individual from this family and, surprisingly, its group appears to conceal an alternate mystery! For what reason does criminal investigator Rhonda Robinson need to approach Mr Aristotele Delight? Will Tommy oppose the staggering sex allure of the two youthful Delight girls, Elettra and Marika? What mystery is Mrs Venere Joy stowing away, and how should Tommy involve it for his motivations? Sweet server Cindy is so lovely, yet what might Tommy do for tackle her tough spot? What’s more, how is it that he could sidestep Ambrogio’s and Amanda’s (the underhanded and baffling Delight’s team) assaults? Only one thing makes certain for the present: In Joy Manor each room conceals confidential, and they’re HOT!.
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