Saving Paula [v0.0.28 Beta] [XTZ Adult Games]


Paula Honeybottom was a youthful drama star prior to abandoning everything for her first love, Dick.
She made do with the job of a housewife and acting instructor, all things being equal.
She was very glad for quite a long time – until “her first love” ended up being a finished poop hole, and left her for his young sweetheart.
He truly was a dick, obviously…
Presently she is discouraged and has lost all trust in herself, and looks almost there a tricky slant.
Fortunately, she isn’t the only one – she has two youngsters living with her, a kid and a young lady, who will take care of her, and save her from a lamentable end.
What are they from her perspective?
All things considered, you choose

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Date: January 10, 2023

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