The Dragonspire [v0.1.6] [Lancastle]


You’re Stephen (default name) top of the confidential security in Dragonspire.
You deal with a wide range of things as agreements, meets, occasions, here and there watches.
Set in a dim present day world with shock science fiction/Dream viewpoints including; outrages, defilement, passing, difficult decisions, full person movement, shape your general surroundings, yet at the same generally significantly the sentiment.
You’ll track with Stephen as a greater amount of the story unfurls as he reveals the genuine foundation of The Dragonspire.
Your decisions will direct the result of the story.
You will be confronted with numerous decisions.
In any case, you’ll have some old flames to zero in on and care for, even a few side ones you presumably shouldn’t however who can say for sure…
Will you guide his way to the light or make much more dimness that as of now exists.

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Date: December 1, 2022

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