You are a youthful hopeful maker and DJ exploring your direction through the music business. Nobody said it would be simple to pursue your fantasies. Be that as it may, it very well may thrill. Risk everything to ascend to the most elevated levels of global fame and distinction. En route, you will experience sentiment, debasement, desire, and gatherings for the ages. Will you pick sentiment or desire? Or then again do you simply need everything? The world is readily available, and you should simply squeeze play and control the dancefloor. Simply be cautious about who you trust en route; this industry is brimming with executioners and darlings.
Ascend To The Top is a vivid point-and-snap sandbox game where your decisions influence results. You experience building heartfelt pressure (a gradual process), making a group of concubines of MILFS and lovely ladies, voyeurism, defilement, medications, and parts more to come. Fun small games without all the toil components. In the event that you assume you have the stuff to be a genius DJ, then this game is for you. Be exhorted that there is no NTR in this game.