Jeevan Dre’allis is an individual from the first class dim elven unit known as Phantoms – specialists of the Sanctuary of Xana-Rhoa, filling in as professional killers, spies, and saboteurs. A progression of unexpected occasions will lead him to the independent port city of Mizea, a position of many marvels and valuable open doors as well as risks and secrets. Effectively brought into plans outside his ability to grasp, he winds up in the center of a rough battle for power, impact, and retribution.
In the meantime, the adjoining, human Realm of Atrelia is being immersed in unrest – evil cliques are on the ascent because of Deep defilement spreading like a plague. With an end goal to reestablish harmony and security, the Congregation of the Timeless Light sends its energetic knights supported by heartless inquisitors to purify the land.
To get by, Jevan should adjust, acquire new abilities, gain special powers, and accumulate partners and workers the same on the off chance that he desires to overcome and oppress his adversaries.
On his long and strenuous experience, he will meet a lively cast of characters, each with their own objectives and plans. Trust and steadfastness will turn into an uncommon extravagance.
As shrewd drow once said, “Take time to appreciate who is really on your side close, yet your foes closer.”
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